Friday, January 18, 2013

Laughter Yoga at Rejuvenation Station

Laughter  Yoga
Rejuvenation Station of the Frozen River Film Festival
3rd Floor Lounge of Stark Hall, WSU
January 26, 5:00pm with Maxxximum Madcap

Laughter Yoga (Hasya Yoga) is a technique developed by Dr. Madan Kataria MD and his wife Madhuri Kataria of Mumbai, India in 1995. Laughter Yoga can best be described as laughing on steroids. This process provides many physiological and psychological benefits to those who incorporate this process into their daily lives. Whether for stress relief or general well-being Laughter Yoga is a beneficial component in any proactive approach to overall health.

The session will include information on the history of Laughter Yoga, handouts on the benefits of laughing and half hour to forty--‐five minute laughter session. Exercises that can be used at home will be covered in the session. Participants should wear loose comfortable clothing and be in reasonably good health (contraindications of laughing will be discussed at the beginning of the session).

Maxxximum Madcap is a certified Laughter Yoga facilitator for the Decorah Laughter Club and nationally published cartoonist and humorist. 

Come to the Rejuvenation Station, 5:00pm Saturday, January 26,  to take the edge off after a full day of watching what can sometimes be films addressing sobering issues in our modern day world.

 Laugh and the world laughs with you, Cry and you cry alone.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really i appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge.The topic here i found was really effective to the topic which i was researching for a long time.

    Laughter Health
