Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Celebration Kick-off!

 The first celebration and fundraiser for the Creative Arts Center, a fund of the Winona Community Foundation, was a jubilant success. The Creative Arts Center will house visual arts, movement, and healing arts, and the event offered a flavor of what the new center will provide. On March 25th, 10am-3pm, Lake Park Lodge in Winona was filled with the sounds of music, sights of artwork, and activities of kite making, Nia dancing, and chair massage.

The day opened with singer, song writer, Will Krageschmidt, a Winona Senior High School Student whose voice delighted all who entered. Two children, Kathleen and James Bowey enjoyed the music while having some healthy snacks. Austin Eschweiler and Mike Munson also entertained the crowd. Bob Stuber shared his sound engineering talents to support the musicians and the Creative Arts Center.

Local artists displayed their beauty and donated a portion of their proceeds to help the new center move forward. Featured artists included Julia Crozier, Dan Grimslid, Kate Newsome, Dina Wuornos, Kelsey Eschweiler, Erica Thibodeaux, and Mary Lee Eischen.

Stepping outdoors you’d find children making the kites, friends enjoying the sunshine, and Nia, a fusion fitness exercise was enjoyed by a group with two classes offered that day by Mary Lee Eischen and Jacque Paulsen.

Kim Hammer of SUTRA, global by design, shared her artisan works from India and Indonesia. Kim travels to India and SE Asian annually guiding tours as she purchases their handiwork at a fair price and sells it in the United States at home and community parties; a portion of her sales are contributed to a non-profit organization of the host’s choice.

Many welcoming hands are needed to create community and a Creative Arts Center. We welcome your ideas, suggestions, time, and energy. Call 507.457.0692 or e-mail: to get involved.

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