Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nia at Rejuvenation Station

Two Nia Classes at Rejuvenation Station of the Frozen River Film Festival

Saturday, January 26, 1:00pm
Sunday, January 27, 1:00pm

WSU Integrated Wellness Center, room 127 
One principle of Nia is the Joy of movement.  The human body is born to move.  And through movement we find health.  The movements in Nia support the body.  Each person is encouraged to dance to their body’s way.  Through listening to one’s body the sensation of pleasure can be experienced.  If pleasure is experienced, the dancer gives attention to that and continues to bring that sensation into a fuller experience.  If the body is experiencing pain, the dancer is encouraged to change the movement through a variation to allow more ease and find pleasure.

Nia is danced in 45 countries around the world. Here is what some people say about dancing Nia:

Kim Lane says,

“Leave your internal critic at the door. Step out of your head and into the music, into your body and into the moment!”

"Nia appeals to me because it combines many different elements. I can "do" Nia in front of a class, sitting in an airplane or walking across a crowded market in Vietnam – and it's great! My life has become so much richer and more diversified since I started Nia when I was only 20 years old. I do not ever want to be without it!"

Patti Glynn talks about Nia:

"A Nia class is movement to music; deliberate body movement; abandoned joy in dance; a journey into self awareness. I say Nia is yoga meets martial arts meets Zumba meets lyrical dance meets a good time."

Mary Lee Eischen dancing Nia on the banks of the Mississippi River, Winona, Minnesota
Photo by Lori Eschweiler


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