Saturday, October 12, 2013

Live @ the Levee

October 5th was the first event in a series taking place at Levee Park in downtown Winona.  People from all walks of life shared a special day of musical performances, food and activities for adults and children. 

Jim Reineke, Bob Stuber and Scott Lowery play folk and blues.

Friends gathered and enjoyed a great day.

Dogs enjoyed the day too.

Ron Stevens helped volunteer at the days festivities.

The Winona State University Jazz Faculty played two great sets of music.

The Saint Mary's University Sound Guys worked two stages to keep the music going from Noon til 10:00pm.

Jonsmith talking with Maggie Jacqmin.

Jonsmith and Dan Sebranek playing American folk.

Jonsmith sings a song about his grand daughter and she and her friends come up to dance.

Three of the many energies that made the day so successful:  Ray Dretske, Lee Gunderscheimer and Will Kitchen.

Another threesome for success with Live @ the Levee:  Jaimie Schell, Anne Conway and Siles Schell-Conway.

Driftwood Bones came back to Winona to preform. 

Many enjoyed the fine day.  Thanks to all the organizers and sponsors that made it so successful.

See more photos Live @ the Levee,  get involved or make a donation for future events.  Watch for more events coming soon.

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