Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jade Community Acupuncture at Rejuvenation Station of the Frozen River Film Festival

Jade Community Acupuncture at Rejuvenation Station of the Frozen River Film Festival
Saturday, January 26th, 1:00 – 2:30pm
3rd Floor of Stark Hall, WSU

We are fortunate again this year at the Rejuvenation Station to have Jade share her gift of acupuncture with us.  If you have not had the opportunity to have a session at her office located in downtown Winona, come to the Rejuvenation Station to have a session.  This relaxing treatment brings health to your being.

Here’s what Cynthya Porter's writes about Jade Community Acupuncture:

And how many towns our size can say they have a place like Jade Community Acupuncture? Sure, there are acupuncturists all over the place, but it takes a special kind of giving to be a community acupuncture provider. 

See, community acupuncture is designed almost exclusively for the health and well-being of a community — it takes Eastern medicine and makes it accessible for all at a very low cost, despite the fact that Jade Fang will never become rich doing it. But she doesn’t care – if you talk to her about it, she will tell you she feels a calling to help people, not to be wealthy. 

I say a shout-out is due for that. And by the way, I never saw myself as someone who would doze in a chair with a bunch of needles stuck in me – in fact if you told me a few years ago that I would be writing this I would have laughed in your face. But between Jade’s acupuncture and Chinese herbs, I am a healthier person at a price I could afford, and it’s made a believer out of me. 

I’m not alone – go sit in her waiting room sometime and random people will just start talking to you about how it has changed their life, and they’re not paid actors or anything. Just farmers and housewives and senior citizens and business folks. I think they would agree — we are blessed to have this in Winona.

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