Sunday, August 26, 2012

Exploring Art Through the Senses: A Class in Art Appreciation and Movement

A community education class, Exploring Art through the Senses will weave art appreciation and movement.  We will begin each one hour class by looking at a classic piece of artwork and explore though discussion what we see in the artwork.  The discussion on art will focus our attention on what is happening in the artwork.  Each participant will have the opportunity to share their ideas.   And there are no absolutely right or wrong answers—so it’s safe to share what you think.  We’ll agree to disagree sometimes in the discussion. Some of the questions to get us thinking and discussing sound like this:

What do you see in the picture?

What’s going on here?

What more can you find in the picture?

What do you see that makes you say that?

What do you think interested the artist about this picture?

After looking and talking about the artwork, a person may have a new idea, impression, or opinion on what the artwork is all about.  The shared ideas make the discussion interesting and create a new synergy that one may not have considered without the interaction of others.

This process, called visual thinking strategies is used in museums; Mary Lee Eischen has facilitated discussions with children and adults through classes at the Lanesboro Arts Center in Lanesboro, Minnesota. It is a highly engaging and energizing way to look at artwork.

After the discussion, music will compliment the artwork that we viewed.  Mary Lee will lead the group in movement with the Nia technique.  The guided movement will enliven our body and give some ideas of how to use movement in our practical every day moving through life. The Nia technique empowers people of all shapes and sizes by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit. This movement can be done by any fitness level from the person who needs physical assistance to the high level athlete.

Mondays September 10 – October 22
6:00pm Central Elementary School Room 114

For information on how to register for the class, click on the link at Winona Area Public School Community Education

For more information about Nia 

Scholarships available

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