Saturday, June 30, 2012

Winona Votes No

The Winona Community Kick-Off for Winona Votes No was June 27, 2012 at the Jayvee’s Pavilion at 7 o’clock p.m.  There were over 170 supporters for the proposed amendment which would permanently limit the freedom to marry for committed, gay and lesbian couples in our state.

“Take a stand for love.”  
Winona native, Mike Slagenweit-Coffman, Chaplain Resident in Eau Claire, WI, is quoted in the Winona Daily News article about the kick-off event. 

The evening was full of heartfelt stories of people connecting with love and acceptance. Speakers at the event shared stories of common, everyday activities they enjoy doing together with their partners: 
grilling out, playing cards, talking, and laughing.  
There were conversations about the need to allow everyone the right to be with the person they love, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Lisa Gray, founding member of Andrew’s Round Table Speaker’s Bureau, an organization that was formed shortly after Andrew Wilfahrt, cousin to her husband, was killed while serving in Afghanistan on February 27th, 2011. He was among the first acknowledged gay soldiers killed after the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Lisa shares the story of her sister’s coming out to her family and the love and understanding of a rural Iowa family.  Read about her father’s response on Lisa’s blog,

Let’s continue the conversation.
To defeat this amendment on November 6th, we need you to talk with your friends and neighbors today and encourage them to VOTE NO.
To find out more go to

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